Creating new photo album on Facebook

Every time Facebook  changes it’s interface it messes up everything and you can’t find where they used to be.  Though they claim they are doing this for better usability. I am not sure about this as after last change it took awhile to find where is hidden button for adding more photos to existing album. I decided to post step by step screenshots how to do that because I think there are more people in trouble finding it.

But I will start from the beginning and this week will show how to create new photo album on facebook and how to add your first photo.

Step 1

Locate photos folder on your facebook profile page

Photos folder on facebook profile page
Photos folder on facebook profile page

Step 2

Press “Add Photos” button on the upper right corner of the screen.

Add photos button
Add photos button

Step 3

Press “Select Photos to Upload” button for dialog to open.

Select photos button
Select photos button

Step 4

Select photos you want to publish from your hard drive.

Select pictures dialog
Select pictures dialog

Step 5

Then you can select more pictures [1] or publish your album [2] on your facebook timeline.

Add more photos or publish album
Add more photos or publish album

That’s it. Next week I will post how to add more photos to already existing album on facebook.


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