Frommer’s cover photo contest: how to win it

Frommer's guides' cover
Frommer’s guides’ cover

2012, June

Frommer’s continues it’s annual photo contest for guide cover. This year (2012) the winning photograph will be used as the cover photo of a future Frommer’s book, but besides that the winner will receive a $1000 American Express Gift Card and a Tamron DSLR Lens 18-270mm Di II VC. It is fantastic lens for travelers.
Four runners-up will receive $250 American Express Gift Cards and additionally ten most popular photos will each win a Readers’ Choice Award, $100 American Express Gift Card and a guidebook of their choice.  Photos must be submitted before July 31, 2012.
This year more people can participate in the contest but it is limited to residents of United States (including D.C), Canada (excluding Quebec) and the United Kingdom.

Last year it was more then 10000 submissions. You can see winner photography here, also can check all submitted pictures in year 2010 and 2011 and read some tips before submitting your photos.

2011, June

Frommer’s just announced new photo contest 2011 for it’s cover. Winner also will get $1000 Barnes & Noble Gift Card and four runners-up will win Barnes & Noble NOOK Color eBook Tablet.

So how to win this contest? Of course you need to submit photo and not just dream about it. Hardest part is select which photos (they allow multiply submissions) submit. Very important note before you’ll start read further. Unfortunately this contest is open only for U.S. residents.


Which traveler wouldn’t want to see his/her photo on the cover of travel guide? Probably everybody would love it. Now you have opportunity – Frommer’s announced photo contest for it’s cover. Winner also get $5000 cash and 4 runners-up will receive a prize pack of guide books and Lug travel accessories. So how to win this contest? Of course you need to submit photo and not just dream about it. Hardest part is select which photos (they allow multiply submissions) submit.

How to win photo contest

After looking to already submitted photos I notice people are missing one big point – it is book cover, so picture should look good in portrait orientation. Of course you can crop landscape photo to make it fit into portrait format, but with a lot of pictures this not gonna work.

Another issue I saw in submissions: people in the pictures. Probably not everybody heard about such thing as signed model release. So better don’t submit photo if you don’t know person in the picture and don’t have possibility to get signed this form from them. It can be too complicated with publishing of such picture.

But before you start browsing through your pictures go to travel guides section in your local book store. Just stand in front of it check covers. Not only Frommer’s, but others too. Like Lonely Planet, Rough Guide and etc. Look at it and you will know what sights or scenes you shouldn’t submit as you probably won’t find same place captured twice on cover of these books. So don’t submit what is already printed.

So let’s go and good luck. I am going to check my photo archive too.


  1. I checked out the entry conditions in more detail at Frommers site.
    Only residents of UK, USA and CANADA are eligible to enter.
    We read Frommers here Australia but excluded from entering their competition.

  2. Those are great and thoughtful tips. I believe those who will participate should pay attention to points you mentioned.

    Good luck to those who is submitting their photos for competition 🙂

  3. The winning cover for the Morroco guide book is spectacular. The perspective of the desert from the camels eyes makes for a great shot.

    Also clicked your link to the favorite travelers photo contest. The photo of the diver with the whale is almost unbelievable.

  4. Thanks – if only I saw this sooner. I lost quite badly in the contest. Oh well, there is always next year lol.

  5. I would stay away from getting model releases as you might not use the right wording. Better just to concentrate on photos without people in them, seems to me. Gorgeous food is what I will try.

  6. I am studying photography and want to set up a studio. Joining photo contest and winning is my dream. Thanks for these helpful tips!

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